Saturday, March 3, 2012

Tennessee Trip Projects

So, in the week and a half that I spent helping my mother-in-law following a major surgery she had the week before, I was able to continue my crocheting and accomplished several hats and headbands. Here are some of the ones I finished:

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Another day, another project completed...

Here are some more projects from this week:

Boy hat and girl headband

Cell phone case/Camera case (whichever)

Girl Hat

My daughter modeling the hat :)))

Two girl headbands which I gave to a friend for her daughters as a thank you for babysitting Zoe

Second hat made from same material as the other day (shown with that original hat)

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

I wanted...something!

I decided it was time for a hobby. My husband has so many hobbies that he does an amazing job with such as photography, techy things, etc. All I had was...reading, watching movies...things of no lasting impact or creativity.

I wanted...something

I finally decided around Christmas when we were visiting with my in-laws to ask my mother-in-law to teach me the basics of crocheting. She did so and it has simply blossomed from that point on. I have only been doing this for a month and a half now but I love coming up with my own designs already (90% of the time I don't even use custom patterns for my projects)! To demonstrate what I mean, I will use this blog to show you my own personal designs and projects.

I also am getting craftier with scrap-booking materials (and other things like that) so it will not wholly be crocheting. It will be more categories of crafts then just that! Oh, and by the way, I have the most adorable model for hats, headbands, etc that I make--my daughter Zoe. So, don't be surprised if a lot of pictures appear with her in them. :)


Project of the day:

An infant girl hat